[Wed, July 21st, 2021 @ 1 PM EST; Live on Zoom]

The biggest fear for most salespeople is the fear of objections from the customer. Are they obstacles or opportunities for you? If you are like most sales professionals you are always looking for new and better ways for overcoming objections and close the sale.

Imagine you could turn objections into approval; become confident and competent when handling objections, and learn to use them to your own advantage. How would that benefit your bottom line?

We will show you how to handle statements like, “We need to think it over…” or, “We need to speak with…” Also, you will learn how to bypass resistance and handle objections before they come up; you will discover how agreeing with a buyer’s objection works in your favor.

At this workshop, we will show you powerful ways to turn objections into acceptance and you’ll learn how to reduce the number of objections you encounter, turn objections into approval and improve your closing ratio.

What are the Learning Objectives of the Overcoming Objections Training Program?

At the end of this training course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the difference between an excuse and a real objection
  • Structure your questions to define the objection
  • Handle objections before they come up and avoid frustrating your client
  • Recognize when an objection is just a request for more information
  • How agreeing with their objection works in your favor
  • Make objections disappear using the Reframing technique
  • Use the Redefine Pattern to move the conversation from the objection to the benefits of your product
  • Make your customer’s feel you are on their side
  • Handle objections and turn them into an approval

Learning these skills will give you the power of language and the absolute power to wipe objections out of your customer’s mind. Your life as a salesperson will be less stressful and more rewarding and you can’t put the price tag on that!

How is this Workshop Different?

This workshop is not about the law of large numbers, useless one-liners, or outdated closing tricks. This workshop is hands-on, real-time, and interactive. To get the most out of your training bring your own examples and most common objections and we will give you 3-5 ways on how you can respond and close the sale!

You will acquire practical knowledge that can be easily implemented back at the office. This specific knowledge on how to handle objections can be used over and over again to crush your sales goals month in and month out!

What is Included in Overcoming Objections Training?

  • Live 3-Hour virtual training via Zoom with Alen Mayer
  • Interactive discussions and activities to encourage collaborative learning
  • 2 role-play exercises and simulations (using breakout rooms)
  • Workbook and other materials you need to master the lesson

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Special Report: How to Overcome Adversity

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