The key to successful selling is understanding a client’s buying criteria and building your presentation around them. Nobody likes to be sold to, but people love to buy, and because your prospects feel resistance towards salespeople in general, you need to present your product or service in a way that glides right past any resistance. If you can do that properly, your prospects will want to hear more and they will take action in response to your suggestion.

When you know what someone’s criteria are for any given specific situation, you hold the key that unlocks the door to closing the deal. You have this piece of information that will open your prospects up, and you will be able to talk to their conscious and subconscious mind. Stop using features and benefits! Start talking to your client’s unconscious mind. How? 
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Stop using Features and Benefits!

How are you going to do it? Instead of naming the features and benefits, why wouldn’t you start with asking questions about your customer’s buying criteria? You need to find out their hot buttons. They are all located in the unconscious mind with their emotions and their values.
When you know what someone’s criteria are for any specific situation, you hold the key that unlocks the door to closing the deal. You have this piece of information that will open your prospects up, and you will be able to talk to their conscious and subconscious mind.
Stop using features and benefits. Start talking to your client’s unconscious mind. 
What is a Hot Button?

This is something that’s important to your client. It could be a problem, or it could be a need, an interest, maybe even a passion. It is what motivates your client’s decisions, and your role is to find this hot button. Every person has things which are really important to them. At a high level, we refer to these as values, like security, adventure, freedom. When selling you have to uncover the values that are related to the situation they have, and these are referred to as criteria.

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Let me know what you think and what will you change regarding being better at sales discovery questions. Let me know your favorite strategy or revelation you’ve had about asking qualifying questions. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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