What is sales persistence?
Why do some salespeople succeed where other, more talented people fail?
How is it that stars burn out and fail where other, lesser sales talents manage to excel?

In this podcast, we will highlight 5 characteristics of salespeople who persevere. Take a listen!

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The answer to this question will never change. When someone asks who will succeed? The answer will always be – the salespeople who learn about sales persistence. Let’s look at 5 characteristics of salespeople who persevere. 

1. Keep It Visible
2. Technology 
3. Preparation 
4. Questions
5. Gravity 

At the end of each day, ask yourself whether you have done something that left a lasting or positive impact. If you can’t answer yes, then go out of your way to do something so that you can say yes. When it comes right down to it, you either will or you won’t. It isn’t about trying, it’s about doing. That’s what salespeople who persevere understand. 

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Let me know what you think and what will you change regarding sales persistence. Let me know your favorite strategy or revelation you’ve had about sales in general. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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