If you are in sales, you need to develop your mental toughness. There are a wide variety of ways that you can do this, but one of those is to look at mentally tough people. What habits do they carry out daily? What traits do they possess? How can you emulate the mentally tough in order to also be tough mentally?

In this podcast, we will cover the 7 Habits of the Mentally Tough Salespeople. Take a listen!

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Take a look at these habits and think about how you can start working them into your sales career and the life:

  1. Act In Control
  2. No Impact
  3. Training Day 
  4. Celebrate All Success
  5. Whining & Complaining
  6. Impress Yourself
  7. Confidence

It doesn’t really matter if you are or if you feel like you are, it just matters that you act as though you’re in control. While there are successful people who believe luck has a role to play in success, the key is they don’t wait for it. They go out and act as though everything they do will be successful. Don’t waste energy worrying about what will or won’t happen. Just put your effort into making it happen. You have no control over luck with your customers, but you have total control over yourself.

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Let me know what you think and what will you change regarding mental toughness. Let me know your favorite strategy or revelation you’ve had about sales in general. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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