Resilience speaks to a salesperson’s ability to bounce back from difficulties and catastrophes experienced in a sales job. Resilience is essential to navigating life because adversity and challenges are inevitable. While there are a variety of things related to resilience in sales, the following is a list of resilience power words. Each of these words is linked to the development of resilience, which ultimately equates to the ability to handle adversity with grace.

In this podcast, we will cover the secrets of 10 power words needed to develop resiliency in sales. Take a listen!

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Those who are resilient accept difficulties as a part of life. They spend their time and energy learning to adapt to adversity rather than fighting it or running from it.


Those who are resilient can develop numerous strategies for dealing with stressful situations. This flexibility in the way they think about challenges allows them to respond flexibly with regard to their emotion. 


It helps individuals understand what they need, how they feel when they need to reach out for help, and when they need to make adjustments and improvements. 


Boundaries in the context of adversity relate to one’s ability to create a distinction between who they are at their core and the cause of their current negative circumstances. This means being able to understand that the adversity currently being faced is temporary. 


Those who possess high levels of confidence in themselves and their abilities approach negative circumstances with the belief that they possess what is necessary to overcome the circumstance. 


When a person can tackle a situation one step at a time, there is less anxiety, less stress, and more probability of a favorable outcome. This ultimately means a better ability to bounce back from adversity.


Optimism is the ability to look at situations and find the positives, even in the midst of what seems like endless negatives. The ability to approach hardships is key to being able to quickly recover from the difficulties we face in life. 


When faced with a challenge, you create an opportunity for individuals to do the work and learn. This will help them develop potential solutions for the issue at hand.

Developing a ‘why’ becomes the motivation needed to do the work that will help you get through the crisis. It is the purpose that makes the work of fighting through the trouble worthwhile. It sustains your ability to continue moving forward so you can overcome adversity. 


Having a support system in place when faced with difficulties is essential to building resilience. The emotional support offered by having additional people to help you carry the load of mental/emotional burdens can make the adversity more manageable and easier to navigate. 

Resilience is linked to so many other useful traits and qualities. In fostering resilience, one is able to foster the qualities mentioned in this article, and by fostering the characteristics noted in this article resilience is subsequently strengthened. Thus, an emphasis on continued growth in any of these areas is sure to result in improved resilience which is sure to result in a better ability to navigate through life. 

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