Empathy is the ability to understand and sometimes even feel customers’ emotions and be able to treat them according to those emotions and emotional reactions. Developing the ability to show others empathy is important to aid in solving your customer’s problems and win over their hearts.

In this podcast, we will cover the secrets of developing empathy in sales. Take a listen!

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Put yourself in Their Shoes
Being able to put yourself in others’ shoes will greatly help you understand the emotions of others and how you need to respond to their emotional reactions. Getting into that person’s shoes will allow you to understand better why they could be dealing with the issue in the manner they are. Ask questions to understand the situation better and find out how to address the person.

Handle the Situation Correctly

Like any other situation, you must be able to handle the situation at hand correctly. Be sure to pay attention to what is going on at the time and react accordingly. If you over or underreact to various situations, it can lead to the overall issue becoming worse and possibly more dangerous.

Develop Strong Observatory and Analytical Skills
Having the ability to observe the behaviors of those around us can greatly improve the ability to develop our empathy skills.  It is important to listen to the person, what they are saying. Then, read the person’s mind without casting that person’s immediate judgment.
Then you can use your analytical skills to consider the situation from various angles. You want to determine the next course of action that must be taken. Being analytical involves you being able to consider financial, emotional, technical, logical, and mental aspects of the situation at hand. Your ability to be analytical will allow you to break down the situation into small issues that are easier to handle.

Effectively Communicate
Most all skills that are developed stem from the ability to communicate with others effectively.   Showing empathy and developing these skills greatly depends on effectively communicating with others.  If you cannot effectively communicate with others then all of your efforts have gone to waste. 

You must be able to effectively express your advice, concerns, and feelings related to the situation without turning the other person off about what you are saying. You must be effective in everything that you say to help the situation properly.

Follow Up
 When you are helping someone through a stressful situation, you must follow up with that person.  You want to ensure that everything is alright. You want to make sure that everything is going fine and anything else you can do to help. 

Make sure you finish what you start and help them throughout the situation when possible.

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Let me know what you think and what will you change regarding your ways of developing empathy in sales. Let me know your favorite strategy or revelation you’ve had about sales in general. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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