How often do you feel hopeless after meeting a customer who gave you a cold shoulder? Learn 3 sales strategies on how to remain unwavering and build resilience and confidence in yourself and your selling abilities, even if the situation with your client is not so promising.

It may be difficult to believe in yourself when everything around you, every meeting with your customers, every call, and every presentation seems to be crumbling into pieces, but – staying resilient is the only way to trudge through the hard times and seeing yourself overcoming those challenges and motivating yourself to stay persistent no matter what. Try these 3 strategies to help you remain steadfast when you’re feeling the pressure of tough sales situations.


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More about the Episode:
  1. Reflect on the past. Surely, you’ve encountered seemingly insurmountable situations in your sales career in the past. How have you succeeded in the most unpleasant conversations with your customers?
  2. Act immediately. Rather than retreating into your personal cocoon when a sales situation becomes intimidating, address it immediately.
  3. Believe it. You will make it through any adversity. You’ve found your way out of a tough situation with your customers before. You’ll do it now and again sometime in the future. Resilient salespeople always find the way.
Here’s what you need to do today to increase your sales resiliency:
Think about the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your life.
  1. How did your mindset affect the outcome?
  2. How would the outcome have changed had your mindset been different?
  3. What can you do proactively to ensure the same challenge is easier to face next time?
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Let me know what you think and where you might start to use resiliency when selling. I’d love to hear from you! And/or… if you’re already a resilient salesperson, let us know a favorite strategy or revelation you’ve had about this powerful concept! I can’t wait to hear from you!
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